Cleaning Drive
National Service Scheme is organising a cleaning drive in Koratty [...]
BBA- Industry Interaction
Industry Interaction for BBA will be held at Seminar Hall(Main [...]
La Linguistique
"Knowledge of language is the doorway to wisdom" The Foreign [...]
YES Series 1
One of the prestigious initiatives of the Training Department YES [...]
Anti-Ragging Seminar
The Anti-ragging cell of NIMIT is conducting a seminar on " Anti-ragging" on 18th [...]
Career Guidance Session
The PG Department of English, NIMIT, Pongam has arranged a [...]
“Practicing yoga daily, facilitates improvement in mental, social, and physical [...]
Hindi Day
Hindi Day is celebrated on 14th September, every year [...]
As part of the ED Club initiative, We are [...]
Fine Tune- Training
The Training Department is glad to inform you that an [...]