Vice Principal @ Academics, NIMIT
Ms. Teresa Parackal

We live in a fast changing complex society, which presents before us challenges as well as opportunities. Though the global spread of COVID 19 has disrupted world economy and society, defensive and innovative measures have helped to mitigate it. We at Naipunnya College attempt to provide ample opportunities along with a value based wholesome quality education to nurture the inner potentials of every student under our care.
Let everyday be a special day for every child who enters the portals of Naipunnya College,with a brimming heart and an aspiring mind to grow better and richer each day. Though the educational sector was most affected, technology has helped surmount all its attendant handicaps. The initial apprehensions have vanished and a great determination was found among the teaching fraternity. Naipunnya is a pioneer in adopting the technical advancements which bridged the gap between virtual and real classrooms. Special inhouse softwares was developed for the smooth functioning of academics, without any breach in the syllabus.The system was specially designed, addressing most of the drawbacks. Special focus was given on the timely completion of syllabus, conduct of exams and evaluation of students’ performance. The current outgoing batch had one year online class and the progress of the students amid challenging odds was remarkable. Naipunnya was successful in channelizing the boundless energy of young talents which was cooped up indoors, through an online platform. The academic system was carefully planned, taking in its wake the co-curricular activities that aptly offered the required break for children from their regular virtual lessons.
Let’s work hard to explore this new virtual terrain, the new normal and get through all the challenges together. Let’s unite in thoughts and fight together digitally hand in hand.
Vice Principal @ Campus Management, NIMIT
Mr. Robert Fernandez
We live in a fast changing complex society, which presents before us challenges as well as opportunities. Though the global spread of COVID 19 has disrupted world economy and society, defensive and innovative measures have helped to mitigate it. We at Naipunnya College attempt to provide ample opportunities along with a value based wholesome quality education to nurture the inner potentials of every student under our care.
Let everyday be a special day for every child who enters the portals of Naipunnya College,with a brimming heart and an aspiring mind to grow better and richer each day. Though the educational sector was most affected, technology has helped surmount all its attendant handicaps. The initial apprehensions have vanished and a great determination was found among the teaching fraternity. Naipunnya is a pioneer in adopting the technical advancements which bridged the gap between virtual and real classrooms. Special inhouse softwares was developed for the smooth functioning of academics, without any breach in the syllabus.The system was specially designed, addressing most of the drawbacks. Special focus was given on the timely completion of syllabus, conduct of exams and evaluation of students’ performance. The current outgoing batch had one year online class and the progress of the students amid challenging odds was remarkable. Naipunnya was successful in channelizing the boundless energy of young talents which was cooped up indoors, through an online platform. The academic system was carefully planned, taking in its wake the co-curricular activities that aptly offered the required break for children from their regular virtual lessons.
Let’s work hard to explore this new virtual terrain, the new normal and get through all the challenges together. Let’s unite in thoughts and fight together digitally hand in hand.