August 10, 2022 @ 8:00 am - August 16, 2022 @ 5:00 pm
Independence Day is part of every Indian's life and holds tremendous ground in the list of national days. It reminds every Indian about the dawn of a new beginning. As a part of Independence Day celebrations at NIMIT, aka SWARAJ 2022, the coordinating team and the academic departments of Naipunnya College, Pongam presents a list of competitions to enliven the spirit of freedom among the student community. Independence Day would be a week-long celebration from 10/8/2022 to 12/8/2022 with a variety of Competitions and events. Team Swaraj cordially invites all NIMITians to come forward and take part in competitions like the patriotic song, duet dance, swaraj quiz, tableau, and elocution competition. For all the competitions, teams will have to be formed stream-wise. Only two teams from each stream will be allowed for each competition. All winners will be rewarded.
Dear All,
As a part of the Independence Day celebrations at NIMIT: SWARAJ 2022, the coordinating team hereby presents a list of competitions to enliven the spirit of freedom among the student community. Team Swaraj cordially invites all NIMITians to come forward and take part in the following competitions. The General rules and regulations for the various competition are listed below:
General Guidelines
- For all the competitions, teams have to be formed stream-wise.
- Only two teams from each stream will be allowed for each competition.
- The last date for registration is on or before 8 August 2022, except for the quiz competition.
- The last date of registration for the Quiz will be 7/8/2022.
- All students interested in competing must give their names to their respective class teachers.
The decision of the judges and coordinators of the event will be final and binding.
Rules and Regulations
- Only group-wise participation is permitted.
- Each group is allowed only six contestants.
- Choose a patriotic song of your choice in Malayalam, Hindi, or English.
- Musical instruments and karaoke can be used for the background score. (optional, not mandatory)
- The outfit of each participant should be appropriate to their songs.
- The time constraint for the song is 5 minutes.
- The decision of the judges will be final and binding.
Mr. Cyril. B
Ms. Philip PJ
Music Club
Rules and Regulations
- All participants should perform with the theme “Patriotism” (Participants can showcase any dance form, usage of props is allowed).
- Any disrespect to the national values and flag is not permitted.
- Participants should wear proper attire.
- Duration of the dance should not exceed 3 minutes.
- Judgement will be based on Thala, Technique, Rhythm, Expression, Footwork, and overall presentation.
- The participants should submit their audio on or before 11/08/2022
- The decision of the judges will be final and binding.
Mr. Fredy Varghese
Ms. Midhula Sekhar
Dance Club
Rules and Regulations
- Only TWO students from each stream will be allowed to participate in the quiz. This will be an individual event. The student will have to tick mark the answers to various questions during the quiz. All students must ensure that their name is written on the form.
- The submitted form will only be accepted, hence kindly submit it in a short span of time. All questions for rounds 1 to 15 will be conducted through Google form for which the Links will be provided 5 minutes before. (Date:08/08/2022 and Time for Round 1: Sharp 6.00 pm to 6.07 pm)
- Ensure proper network connectivity and battery charge on your devices.
- Only 8 students will be selected for Round 2.
- Evaluation will take place within 15 minutes
The decision of the judges will be final and binding.
Topic: Indian Independence day
Mr. Shanmukadas
Ms. Noble. Devassy
Quiz Club
Rules and Regulations
- The number of performers for the tableau should not be less than six and not more than ten.
- The performance duration should be a minimum of one minute and a maximum of two minutes.
- Background music or announcements connected to the theme can be provided early.
- Participants can use placards and properties related to theme
- The decision of the judges will be final and binding.
Ms. Vandana C H
Ms. Eva Benny
Arts Club
- The elocution competition will be held in three languages – English, Hindi, and Malayalam.
- Candidates will be given time slots to finish the elocution in that duration. The minimum time limit for a student to qualify is 4 minutes while the maximum time limit will be 5 minutes.
- Judging will be based on the command over speech, expression, articulation, vocabulary, confidence, content, and clarity.
- All students must come prepared with a speech beforehand, preferably written and presented by themselves.
- The winners will be chosen as 1st, 2nd and 3rd accordingly.
- The candidate who secures first prize will be given the opportunity to deliver the prize-winning speech on Independence Day (August 15)
- The decision of the judges will be final and binding.
Ms. Sharon Varghese
Ms. Anna Benny
Schedule of Events:
Sl.No | Date | Club | Event | Time | Venue |
1 | 11/8/2022 | Quiz Club | Swaraj Quiz | 12-1 | MBA Seminar Hall |
2 | 11/8/2022 | Music club | Patriotic Song | 11:00-1:00 | Sarang |
3 | 12/8/2022 | Dance club | Duet Dance | 11:00-1:00 | Sarang |
4 | 12/8/2022 | Arts club | Tableau | 1-2 | Sarang |
5 | 12/8/2022 | Department of Languages | Elocution | 1-3 | MBA Seminar Hall |
Event Coordinator:
Mr. Deepak K V