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 As part of National Sports Day on 29 th August 2020, the Sports Club of our college conducts a one-week online celebration CORSA 2020 (August 24-29) with various competitions to enhance the sportsman spirit among the student community of our college. Class in- charges kindly encourage the students to take part in the competitions.  The winners will be rewarded.

Since its the first venture of our Sports club in an online mode, we expect your wholehearted support and cooperation. Let’s join together to make this event a grand success.
The general rules and regulations of the various competitions are listed below.
  1. Registration to all the events should be done in advance.
  2. E-certificate will be provided to all the registered participants.
  3. All the events are individual.
  4. The duration of the event should be one minute.
  5. Participants should take the video of the same and send it to the coordinators.
  6. Participants must include their name, class, and the item name in the file.
  7. The video should be in the mp4 format.
  8. Make sure that the face of the participant is clearly visible in the uploading video.
  9. Participants are prohibited from using any kind of edits or filters in their video.
  10. Send your entries to [email protected], before 7 pm on the event day. Entries after 7 pm will not be considered.
  11. Eight winners will be selected from each event to perform in the final competition.
  12. The final competition will be held on 28/8/2020, Friday.
  13. There are separate events for boys and girls.
  14. The First prize for all the events is Rs. 400/- and Second prize is Rs.200/-
  15. The decision of the jury will be final.

Rules for individual events:

  1. PUSH UP
  2. The competition is on Monday, 24-08-2020.
  3. The contestant with the most number of push-ups in a minute
    will be the winner.
  4. Judgment parameters: Most number of push-ups in one minute and perfection.
  5. PLANK
  6. The competition is on Tuesday, 25-08-2020.
  7. The contestant who holds the longest time in the plank position will be the winner.
  8. Judgment parameters: Longest time in the pose and perfection.
  10. The competition is on Wednesday, 26-08-2020.
  11. Perfection with maintain the position in a minute will be the winner.
  12. Judgement parameter: Perfection with maintain the position in the allotted time.
  14. This is exclusively for girls.
  15. The competition is on Thursday, 27-08-2020.
  16. The skipper only has one attempt. The participant with maximum number of skipping in a minute will be the winner.
  17. Judgment parameters: Most number of skipping in one minute and perfection.

Final competition

  1. The final competition of all the events will be held on 28/8/2020.
  2. Competition will be conducted in online mode through Google Meet platform.
  3. Entries of the final competition should be send to [email protected], before 12 pm. Entries after 12 pm will not be considered.
  4. Result will be announced on 29/8/2020.
  5. The rules regarding the Finals will be intimated to you later.

How to do a push up:


  1. Get down on all fours, placing your hands slightly wider than your shoulders.
  2. Straighten your arms and legs.
  3. Lower your body until your chest nearly touches the floor.
  4. Pause, the push yourself back up
  5. Repeat

How to do the basic plank:


  1. Get in the push up position, only put your forearms on the ground instead of your hand.
  2. Squeeze your gluts and tighten your abdominals
  3. Keep a neutral neck and spines.
  4. Create a straight, strong line from head to toes.
  5. Hold that position.

How to do Padahastasana (Hand under foot pose) 


  1. Distance your legs hip-width apart.
  2. Inhale and slowly raise your arms upwards.
  3. Exhale and slowly bend the trunk forward from your hips till your hands reach your feet.
  4. Next, place the palms of your hands under the soles.
  5. Elbows remain slightly bent pointing outwards.
  6. Loosen up the shoulders and let the arms relax.

Sports club Coordinators:                                                 Student Coordinators:

Mr.Sreejith P A(HOD)                                                        Abhijith Ashokan, III B.Com CA: 7510363144

Mr. Deepak K V                                                                    Vyshnav K B, II BCA: 9746172779

Mr. Tony V M

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