Director – Centre for Examinations @ Naipunnya
Ms. Emily Ittiachan

The Centre for Examinations plays a vital role in assessing the true potential of students by periodical conduct of internal and external examinations. After the testing times of Covid-19 pandemic, the Examination Cell of NIMIT has conducted twenty two University Examinations apart from the internals from June 2021 to May 2022. The various batches of Post Graduates and Under Graduates appeared for their University Examinations. The examinations were also conducted for the students of The School of Distance Education of the University of Calicut. As per the instructions of the University, the question papers sent online were printed at the Centre for Examinations. Apart from the seating arrangements and invigilation duties, the sorting and the packing of the answer scripts were taken up by the Centre.
The Centre for Examinations generated the question papers for the internal examinations of the college as well. The Blooms Taxonomy was followed for the preparation of the question bank of various subjects. I acknowledge the contributions of all the teaching and non-teaching staff members for the cooperation and support extended to the Centre .