By Published On: July 21, 2022Categories: English - Activities

The PG Department of English at Naipunnya Institute of Management and Technology has conducted a College level seminar cum workshop on content writing and freelance writing for the students of BA and MA Engish at Seminar Hall, MBA block from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm. The session was hosted by Ms. Grace K Benny, Head of the Department, and was graced by Rev. Fr. Jimmy, Assistant Director of Naipunnya Institutions. The event was conducted by Ms. Sharon Varghese, Assistant Professor at the department of English, NIMIT. The resource person discussed various forms of writing and ways students could earn through content writing. The topics covered in the session were news writing, creative writing, technical writing, and writing for the publishing industry.

The event was hosted by Ms. Anjaly (II MA) who invited Ms. Grace K Benny to introduce the resource person of the day. Following this, Rev. Fr. Jimmy said a few words about the event and the importance of learning about more opportunities in the industry. Ms. Sharon Varghese began the seminar by introducing students to different forms of writing and ways by which one could engage with them. The session introduced students to blogging and took students through the technicalities of how to begin a blog. Similarly, the session took students through an in-depth session on news writing and visual storytelling. Students were taught how to tell stories through photographs and how to write photo essays. The session ended at 12:30 pm followed by a feedback and question-answer session. Overall, the event proved to be successful and students were given the opportunity to clear their doubts.

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