By Published On: March 16, 2023Categories: English - Activities

The PG Department of English at Naipunnya College, Pongam hosted our annual department literature festival on the 5th and 9th of January 2023. At the 2023 edition of Chutney Soca, 22 competitions were conducted, with more than 200 registrations, and around 15 colleges participated. The inaugural ceremony of Chutney Soca took place at MBA Seminar hall on 6th January, 2023. The chief guest for the day was Fr. Anil Kiliyelikkudy, currently the vicar of Lusie Little Flower Church and former alumnus of the English Department. Fr Anil officially flagged off the events followed by a presidential address by Rev. Fr. Dr. Paulachan Kaithottungal, Executive Director of Naipunnya Institute of Management and Information Technology. Chutney Soca, the NIMITIAN festival of literature is a mixture of literary and
cultural events conducted annually by the students and faculty members of the English Department. The word chutney soca seems familiar but also enigmatic. Chutney Soca is a style of music that has cultural origins in the Indian towns and villages of Trinidad, Tobago, and the Caribbean. This form of music has whimsical lyrics, a crossover of Indian and western instrumentals, and the intermingling of the shared
histories of two different cultures. No other word would better describe the celebration of literature hosted by a group of whimsical, odd, out-of-the-box thinkers and learners of the English department family.The main coordinators of the 2023 Chutney Soca were Ms Sharon Varghese and Ms Vandana Martin assisted by the student coordinators – Ms Angel Roy and Mr Noorul Ameen from II MA English. The event was conducted over a course of two days on the 6th and 9th of January, 2023. Chutney Soca 2023 began on Thursday 5th of January with all competitions held off-line.

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