Best Practices


Objectives of the Practice

To equip students with essential skills required for holistic development.

  • Cognitive Development: To equip students with the necessary tools to acquire,comprehend, apply, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate information.

  • Spiritual Development: The aim is to foster in students a more profound understanding of themselves, a greater force, and a purposeful life to improve resilience and well-being.

  • Emotional Development: To give pupils the skills and information necessary to recognize, express, and regulate their emotions at different stages of life in addition to being perceptive of others’ feelings. emphasizing cooperation, moral principles,and personal development as well.

  • Social Development: To educate students about the new societal concerns that are arising, give them the tools to solve these difficulties, and make sure they stay relevant in the rapidly changing workplace.

  • Physical Development: To establish safe behaviours and healthy habits, as well as to improve gross and fine otor skills.

The context of NIMIT Smart Pro lies in its overarching objective to equip students with essential skills for holistic development. This context sets the foundation for a multifaceted approach to education that addresses five key dimensions: Cognitive, Spiritual, Emotional, Social, and Physical development. Within this context, each dimension is carefully crafted to provide students with the tools and resources necessary to excel academically, thrive emotionally, navigate social complexities, cultivate spiritual resilience, and maintain physical well-being. NIMIT Smart Pro represents a holistic paradigm shift in education, emphasizing the importance of nurturing well-rounded individuals who are prepared to succeed in both their personal and professional lives.

1. Cognitive Development – At our institution, we prioritize cognitive development through a range of initiatives. From orientation programs like Nexus and Aarambh to skill enrichment initiatives like SEP and Leaders Thrive, we emphasize critical thinking, communication, and leadership skills. Our Meraki and Synergia forums promote collaborative learning and innovation, while the Student Guru initiative fosters deeper understanding through teaching. Programs like Finishing Touch prepare students for professional success, and the Best Outgoing Student Awards inspire continuous excellence. Additionally, initiatives like the Young Innovators Programme, PG Outbound program, industry interactions, and CIECE offerings provide real-world exposure and vocational training, all aimed at equipping students with the cognitive skills and innovative mindset needed for success in today’s rapidly
changing world.
2. Emotional Development – We promote emotional development through various initiatives: BE Hub fosters positive behaviour; Commemorative Days Observance celebrates global events; Expert Nxt facilitates interactions with influential figures; YES promotes cultural exchange; Face2Face engages students in campus governance; Naipunnya Digital showcases talents; Common Assemblies build confidence. Additionally, counselling services, yoga, self-defence, and cultural visits further support emotional well-being.
3. Physical Development – Physical development is a dynamic process that occurs throughout life, with different stages and milestones marking significant progressions. Providing opportunities for physical activity, proper nutrition, and healthcare is essential for supporting optimal physical development and well-being in individuals of all ages. Our institution’s Department of Physical Education plays a pivotal role in fostering the physical development of our students, prioritizing their well-being. Through pre-academic year trials, conducted under the guidance of skilled coaches, we identify students with potential in various sports. Selected students receive comprehensive support, including free education, accommodations, and systematic training, alongside daily yoga sessions. They also participate in a range of tournaments at university, interzone, district, and national levels. Moreover, we offer scholarships to our sports students, demonstrating our commitment to their holistic development. Our institution boasts state-of-the-art sports facilities tailored to cater to different sporting disciplines, ensuring our students have ample opportunities to excel physically.
4. Spiritual Development – Spiritual development is a vital aspect of holistic well being, transcending religious boundaries and contributing to personal growth, resilience, and inner peace. In our institution, we prioritize spiritual growth through diverse avenues. Our spiritual club encourages the exploration of various faith traditions, while our Value Education sessions instil moral values and life skills. Renowned speakers enrich our community with talks on relevant topics, complemented by holy masses, youth conventions, and musical adorations reflecting our Catholic identity. Our Prayer Warriors group, born during the pandemic, remains a steadfast source of support and reflection. Through these initiatives, we cultivate a holistic approach to spiritual development among our students and faculty, fostering a sense of connection, purpose, and harmony.
5. Social development – Social development is crucial for individuals of all ages, influenced by various factors such as family, peers, schools, and broader societal influences. At our college, we prioritize social development through initiatives like the National Service Scheme (NSS) and the Service With A Smile (SWAS) club. These programs aim to foster a sense of participation, service, and achievement among students through community engagement activities. By providing opportunities for social interaction, collaboration, and positive role modelling, we support healthy social development, ultimately contributing to overall well-being, happiness, and success in life. Through these initiatives, students gain valuable experiences and learn important values while engaging with different segments of society.

Evidence of Success

Our institution prides itself on fostering holistic development, shaping our students into NIMIT Smart Professionals. With a robust Physical Education Department and brilliant coaching system, our students have excelled, securing numerous certificates and awards at various levels, including University, State, District, and National. This success has earned us recognition as the best college in both the Men and Women’s sections at the University level. Our students have garnered placements in esteemed firms like Taj, KPMG, Wipro, and TCS, showcasing their professional prowess. Noteworthy achievements include the creation of the EVA H89Y robot by Computer Science students and green initiatives through the Bhoomithrasena Club, with one
student receiving the Best Farmer Award. Furthermore, our students have shone in inter-college fest events, winning prizes in Marketing Game, Debate Competition, and more. They’ve also secured the first position at the Innovation Hunt organized by the Operational Research Society of India, Kochi Chapter. Notably, Angel Paul represented the India tug-of-war team at the International level in Malaysia. These achievements underscore our commitment to nurturing Smart Professionals at NIMIT.

Problems Encountered and Resources Required

Adequate resources are required to support ongoing efforts and guarantee NIMIT Smart Pro’s sustained success.


At Naipunnya Institute of Management & Information Technology (NIMIT), our commitment to building Smart Professionals transcends traditional education paradigms. We recognize that true success lies not only in academic achievements but in the holistic development of individuals who are intellectually agile, emotionally resilient, socially responsible, spiritually grounded, and physically healthy. By embracing these principles and values, we empower our students to excel in their personal and professional lives, making meaningful contributions to society and fulfilling their potential as Smart Professionals.

NIMIT EduEarn Venture

Objectives of the Practice
  • Skill Development and Practical Experience: To provide students with opportunities to develop practical skills and gain hands-on experience in their chosen fields.

  • Financial Self-Sufficiency: To enable students to earn income while pursuing their academic education, fostering a sense of financial independence.

  • Exposure to Organizational Culture: To acquaint students with the real-world work environment, emphasizing values such as time management, teamwork etc.

  • Entrepreneurship and Innovation: To cultivate a culture of entrepreneurship among students, encouraging them to create and sell innovative products.

  • Community Engagement and Social Responsibility: To promote active involvement with the community and contribute to social causes.

The Context

The NIMIT EduEarn Venture is modelled on the “Earn while Learn” programme. It is a collaboration between the IQAC and Departments to address the challenge of financial self-sufficiency among students. By providing opportunities for students to earn an income alongside their studies, the program aims to alleviate some of these financial pressures, enabling students to focus more on their education without being overly burdened by economic concerns. It is structured to offer practical skills and work experience across various departments, including Computer Science, Languages, Commerce, Hotel Management, and Training and Development. Each department tailors the initiative to its specific field, providing students with opportunities to apply their academic knowledge in real-world scenarios while earning an income. This initiative not only contributes to the student’s personal and professional growth but also aligns with NIMIT’s commitment to fostering sustainable and entrepreneurial development in the higher education landscape.

The NIMIT EduEarn Venture encompasses various departments, each offering unique opportunities for students to earn while they learn:
Department of Computer Science: The Department offers the NITA Programme, which provides IT apprenticeships that offer hands-on training in software and website development, hardware, and networking. The department also partners with Star Innovations Pvt Ltd., offering students valuable experiences in software development, testing, and data annotation. The NITA Programme, launched in 2020 21, witnessed a remarkable surge in student earnings, soaring from Rs. 19594 to an impressive Rs. 27278 in 2022-23. The cumulative income generated by the students over the years amounted to an impressive sum of Rs. 65,813.
Department of English: The Department offers a unique opportunity for MA students to support and guide UG students in improving their language skills through peer teaching. Students can also earn additional income through internships, online exam invigilation, and corporate assignments. Some students have even earned an impressive amount of Rs. 52000 in AY 2022-23. Over the years, the students were able to accumulate an impressive income of Rs. 58750.
Department of Commerce: The Nimitian Harvest (Friday Market) organised by the Department of Commerce has been a remarkable initiative since 2019. It provides students with a valuable opportunity to sell organic products and gain valuable insights into the world of commerce and market dynamics. The Friday Market offers students a unique opportunity to not only earn income, but also develop essential skills in entrepreneurship, marketing, and sales. This practice elevates the learning experience by seamlessly integrating theoretical knowledge with hands-on application in a real-world context. The Bodhana peer teaching initiative and internships offer exciting avenues for additional income. In addition, we are proud to offer opportunities for our students to gain valuable work experience through internships, allowing them to earn an income while furthering their education. Throughout the years, the department has empowered numerous students to generate a substantial income totalling Rs. 190974.
Department of Hotel Management: The Department offers an exciting opportunity for second and final-year students to enhance their practical skills in the dynamic hospitality industry. Students can gain valuable experience through engaging in events such as Outdoor Catering (ODC), weekend training sessions, and monthly training programmes. Students have the opportunity to gain exposure to all core departments of the hotel industry and receive compensation by hotel policies. A team of 15 students has been selected on a rotating basis. The programme experienced a significant boost in 2022-23, with an impressive number of 1139 students actively engaged in the industry and generating a substantial income of Rs. 9,21,873. The students’ exceptional achievements have garnered recognition from numerous prestigious hotels in Kochi and Thrissur, including Casino Hotel, Grand Hyatt, Holiday INN, Oberoi Hotel, Taj Hotels, and Sheraton Hotels, among others. The department ensures the success of this initiative by carefully managing each stage, from coordinating business support to forming teams that meet client requirements. We prioritise timely reporting, prompt payment receipt, and thorough documentation to ensure a seamless process. Throughout the years, the department has empowered its students to achieve a substantial income of Rs. 1155482, greatly benefiting over 1400 students.
Department of Training and Development: The Department offers an exciting opportunity for students to showcase their entrepreneurial skills and generate income through the sale of their handcrafted products, including delectable cakes, indulgent chocolates, and stylish paper bags. This initiative fosters a culture of innovation and business acumen among students. The NIMIT EduEarn Venture is a programme that goes beyond just providing financial support to students. Each department’s approach aims to equip students with valuable skills and experiences, fostering their holistic development and enhancing their future employability. The venture was launched in the year 2021-22, allowing their students to achieve an impressive aggregate of Rs. 24,114.

Evidence of Success

NIMIT EduEarn Venture stands out as a remarkable success, supported by compelling data from multiple departments:
Department of Computer Science: The Department witnessed remarkable growth in the earnings of its students through IT apprenticeships. In the academic year 2020 21, five students earned an impressive amount of Rs. 19,594. This number increased in the following year, with three students earning Rs. 11,441 in AY 2021-22. The trend continued to soar in AY 2022-23, as four students achieved an outstanding earning of Rs. 24,278. These figures demonstrate the exceptional success of our students in the field of IT Collaborations with esteemed companies such as Star Innovations Pvt Ltd have significantly expanded the range of earning opportunities available to students. In the academic year 2022-23, a remarkable achievement was made by seven students who earned an impressive amount of Rs. 7,500 by providing exceptional project support.
Department of English: The Department witnessed a remarkable achievement in the academic year 2022-23, as interns were able to earn an impressive amount of over Rs. 52,000. This outstanding result truly showcases the success of the initiative.
Department of Commerce: The Department proudly introduced the pilot programme Friday Market during the academic year 2019-20, which saw an impressive participation of 20 students who collectively earned an impressive amount of Rs. 3,580. In the academic year 2020-21, an impressive number of 35 students achieved a remarkable income of Rs. 6,855. In the subsequent year, an impressive number of 97 students were able to earn a remarkable amount of Rs. 10,527. As the programme progressed to the year 2022-23, it witnessed a significant expansion, accommodating a staggering 230 students who achieved an impressive total of Rs. 85,635. Additionally, students were working as interns who were able to generate an impressive income of over Rs. 70000.
Department of Hotel Management: The Department achieved remarkable success through the NIMIT EduEarn scheme, with an impressive number of 1139 students earning a substantial total of Rs. 9,21,873 in 2022-23. This outstanding achievement was made possible through fruitful collaborations with renowned five-star hotels. Over the years, the NIMIT EduEarn Venture has seen tremendous success, with an impressive aggregate amount of Rs. 14,95,133 being earned by 1981 students from various departments.

Problems Encountered and Resources Required

The NIMIT EduEarn Venture faces several challenges, including balancing work and academic commitments, which can impact students’ academic performance and overall well-being. Managing students’ expectations regarding earnings is another hurdle, as they may anticipate substantial incomes but find themselves dissatisfied with modest earnings. Ensuring the quality of work experience is crucial, requiring continuous coordination with industry partners to provide relevant and meaningful opportunities. Access to opportunities can be limited, especially during economic downturns or in competitive fields. Comprehensive training for skill development is essential, demanding resources and effective collaboration between academic and industry partners. Additionally, logistical and administrative support for coordinating work schedules, payments, and documentation for numerous students
is resource-intensive, posing a significant challenge for the institution. Overcoming these challenges is vital for the success and sustainability of the initiative.


The initiative has been particularly impactful in the Department of Hotel Management, which has provided service support to five-star hotels, generating significant revenue and enhancing students’ employability. The program’s success in transforming India’s demographic dividend from a jobless growth economy to an employable economy is noteworthy. The Friday Market, also known as Nimitian Harvest, is an initiative within the Department of Commerce at NIMIT. It is a platform that allows students to actively engage in the sale of locally grown organic products. This immersive experience provides students with a deep understanding of the complexities involved in the world of commerce, trade, and market dynamics. The success of NIMIT EduEarn Venture is evident in the increased participation, income earned, and recognition from industry partners, enhancing student employability and contributing to India’s economic transformation